Kaitlyn's Room
Kaitlyn's smile lights up a room. She's an energetic little girl, who loves to swing and cheerlead. She has battled complications from Cerebral Palsy along with many other conditions since her birth. She has had countless hospitalizations and can sometimes have more than 5 doctor's appointments in a month with most them in Syracuse.
Kaitlyn spends a lot of time in her room due to her condition. Her mom is such a strong force and we feel honored to have met them both. She wanted a "Frozen" theme and loves the colors pink, purple and blue. After her room was approved, we learned that she would need to have extensive hip surgery and would be recovering in a body cast for 6 weeks. We knew we had to get this room done for her to come home to…so that is what we did! A team from Johnson and Johnson came together to create the perfect room for Kaitlyn to recover in.
So many people to thank for this project: Kim Abdelazim and her colleagues from Johnson & Johnson, Mark Klumpp, Karen and Richard Jackson and Co-Room Managers Susan Northrup-Klumpp and Julie Jackson-Smith. Special thanks to Nikki Baker at Designs by ANM who made the beautiful blue canopy and donated “Let It Go” painted wall letters, and ENC Contracting and CRK Contractors for donating electrical work!